Delicious Homemade Chocolate Glazed Doughnuts Recipe


Enjoy making this delicious chocolate dip donuts recipe at home. Nothing like freshly baked doughnuts, kids can’t have them enough and adults enjoy it equally.

Ingredients (Dough)

  1.  All purpose Flour – 2 3/4 Cups
  2.  Cooking Oil – 3 Cups (For Deep Frying)
  3.  Yeast – 1/2 Tablespoon
  4.  Unsalted Melted Butter – 2 Tablespoons
  5.  Milk – 1 Cup
  6.  Egg – 1 (Medium Size)
  7.  Sugar – 2 Tablespoons
  8. Salt – 1 Pinch
  9. Vanilla Extract – 2 drops

Ingredients (Chocolate Glaze)

  1.  Icing Sugar – 1 Cup
  2.  Cocoa Powder – 2 Tablespoons
  3.  Milk – 3 Tablespoons
  4.  Vanilla Extract – 2 drops

Method (Chocolate Glaze)

Mix all ingredients into a mixing bowl and whisk thoroughly with the help of a whisker until a smooth glaze is formed.

Method (Making Dough)

Step 1. Mix all ingredients into a mixing bowl and knead until a smooth dough is formed.

Step 2. Cover the dough with cling wrap and let it rest for 1 hour in a warm place to rise and get doubled in size

Step 3. Roll the dough flat with a rolling pin, keeping thickness to 1/4 inch

Step 4. Cut in doughnut shape circles with the help of a doughnut cutter. If you don’t have a doughnut cutter, you can get anything sharp enough to cut through the dough of around 3 inches diameter and then cut in small circles with a Soda bottle cap.

Step 5.  Fold the remaining dough and roll it out flat again to cut in a few more doughnuts. Repeat the process until maximum dough is used forming doughnuts.

Step 6. Set them aside covering them with a tea towel to prevent them from drying out.

Quick Tip: Since flour can vary from brand to brand, you can adjust the quantity of flour such that its consistency is soft to the touch. If your dough comes out tough the very first time, you can still proceed by giving it a bit more time to rise and doughnuts will come out just fine, however, on your next attempt, you can improve by achieving slightly softer dough.


Step 1. In a shallow pan, heat cooking oil on medium heat and start frying up doughnuts until golden brown on each side and take it out into a wire rack to cool down.

Step 2. Dip them into chocolate glaze one by one. Let them set for 5 minutes and they are ready to serve.